LWC lightning-datatable with checkbox selection
LWC Lightning Data Table With Multiple Records Selection Example
Important Attributes for Data Table in Lightning Web component:
Key-field: Unique identifier for each record in a Lwc table and It is used to identify predefined selected records when page loads.
Columns: Which is used to store set of field properties like label, type, fieldName(api name of the field).
data: List of records data which are used to display on table.hide-checkbox-column: By default LWC Data table displays checkbox, if we want to hide we need to add "hide-checkbox-column" in the data table tag.
Columns: Which is used to store set of field properties like label, type, fieldName(api name of the field).
data: List of records data which are used to display on table.hide-checkbox-column: By default LWC Data table displays checkbox, if we want to hide we need to add "hide-checkbox-column" in the data table tag.
Usage of getSeletdRows() in Lightning Web Component Data Table:
By using getSelectdRows function we can easily get checkbox selected records on the table.
Example LWC Data Table: Displaying list of opportunities in Data table in web component and delete selected records.
Apex controller class for Lightning web component Data table
public with sharing class OpportunityController {
public static List<opportunity> fetchOpportunityList(){
return [SELECT Id, Name, StageName,Amount From Opportunity LIMIT 5];
public static void deleteOpportunities(List<opportunity> oppList){
delete oppList;
import { LightningElement,wire,track } from 'lwc';
import {refreshApex} from '@salesforce/apex';
import getAllOps from '@salesforce/apex/OpportunityController.fetchOpportunityList';
import deleteOpportunities from '@salesforce/apex/OpportunityController.deleteOpportunities';
const COLS=[
{label:'Name',fieldName:'Name', type:'text'},
{label:'Stage',fieldName:'StageName', type:'text'},
{label:'Amount',fieldName:'Amount', type:'currency'}
export default class DataTableInLwc extends LightningElement {
@wire(getAllOps) oppList;
var selectedRecords =
deleteOpportunities({oppList: selectedRecords})
return refreshApex(this.oppList);
alert('Cloud not delete'+JSON.stringify(error));
<lightning-card title="Opportunity">
<lightning-button slot="actions" label="Delete" onclick={deleteRecord}></lightning-button>
<div class="slds-box">
data={oppList.data} columns={cols} key-field="Id">
Hi Admin,
ReplyDeleteIS it possible to stop end user to select only one row in a pagination. If yes, could you please share the code. I used max-row-selection but need the checkbox to the end user.
it is difficult to achieve checkbox functionality along with pagination in data table. You can try custom table where you can show checkbox column. Once user selects one of the record then you need to clear the previously selected value.
Deletewhile use wrapper class it not work
ReplyDeletebelow i attach the code
lwc html
lwc -js
if(this.selectRecordName == ''){
alert('Select Owner Name');
var selectedRecords = this.template.querySelector('lightning-datatable').getSelectedRows();
updateOwner({ ownerId : this.selectRecordId,lstAccount : selectedRecords })
.then(result => {
const toastEvent = new ShowToastEvent({
title: "Owner Updated",
message: "AccountOwner Sucessfully Updated",
variant: "success"
return refreshApex(this.lstAccount);
public static void updateOwner(string ownerId,List lstAccount){
List lstAccounts = new List() ;
for(AccountWrapper acc:lstAccount){
Account newAccount = new Account(Id=acc.Id,ParentId=ownerId);
update lstAccounts;
is there need any files are import for getSelectedRows();
What's happening currently. What you are getting in "alert(selectedRecords)"